Jack Lewis Logo in all white. The letters J and L leaning up against one another with a round diamond icon in the middle and the words Jack Lewis Jewelers beneath it. Jack Lewis Jewelers brown gift box with a blue ribbon
Jack Lewis Jewelers brown gift box with a blue ribbon
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Mon-Fri: 10a-6p
Sat: 10a-5p
Sun: Closed
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Appraisals at Jack Lewis

At Jack Lewis, we offer jewelry appraisal services in partnership with Joel Hassler of Von Hasle Jewelry Advisers. Why not do it ourselves? One of the key aspects of appraising is that it’s done by an unbiased third party. We want you to receive an opinion on the quality and value of your jewelry without any impression of bias.

Upcoming Appraisal Dates

Monday, April 7th (drop-off jewelry by Sat, Apr 5th)
Monday, May 5th (drop-off jewelry by Sat, May 3rd)
Monday, June 2nd (drop-off jewelry by Sat, May 31st)
Monday, June 30th (drop-off jewelry by Sat, June 28th)
Make an Appointment

When making your advance appointment at the link above, choose the Repair or Appraisal Consultation service, then select either Kaitlyn Sutton or Moriki Tomihara, and then choose the day and time of your preference (before the Appraisal dates listed above).

Headshot of Appraiser Joel Hassler  wearing glasses with a brown goatee underneath the tagline, "What's Your Jewelry Worth?"

What is a Jewelry Appraisal?

Technically speaking, the “appraisal” is the document itself, which contains an unbiased third party opinion on the quality or value of your jewelry.  

If possible, it’s best to bring in your jewelry several days in advance of the appraiser’s visit. This allows our team to walk you through the process ahead of time, explain the costs, and clean & check your items before Joel’s arrival so he can get started as soon as he gets to the store! (If you still have documentation such as receipts, grading reports, or warranties, also bring them when you drop off your jewelry in advance).

Then during the Von Hasle appraisal process, Joel (an Independent Certified Gemologist Appraiser and Chair of the American Gem Society Appraisal Standards Committee) will treat your jewelry, diamonds or gemstones to a very detailed inspection that averages 15 pages full of thorough photos, details, and education. Appraisal fees are $130 per piece, and depending on his workload, your appraisal may be ready later on the same day of Joel's visit.

Regardless of whether you’re able to visit the store and review your appraisal in-person, a digitally signed and protected PDF of your appraisal report will be loaded onto a USB Flash drive upon completion. And again, this document will contain a clear, unbiased, expert opinion of what your jewelry is worth. Your jewelry itself never leaves the store, so you can come pick it up at your earliest convenience after Joel's visit.

Make an Appointment

Why Get your Jewelry Appraised?

Two primary reasons: insurability and curiosity. Most insurance companies require current appraisals (usually less than 2 years) to have the pieces individually scheduled on your policy. Sometimes, the receipt from where you purchased the items may be sufficient, but remember, the more detailed and accurate your appraisal is, the more detailed and accurate your replacement will be should you suffer a loss. And then sometimes you’re just curious how much your jewelry is worth. Maybe because you’re looking to sell it, or because you’re curious how it may have changed in value over the years. Regardless of your reason, having your jewelry appraised should be on your radar every few years, and our partner Joel Hassler is one of the best in America.